BODY. Navigating Your Non-Negotiables.

You may have read in a previous article of mine the mindset shift from “I don’t have time to” —> “I have not made the time to.” So this begs the question, what are you making time for?

For working parents, this list may look a little different than single-somethings or retirees. While it would be ideal if there was the time to tend hit every determinant of health daily (adequate sleep, movement, prep of whole-food unprocessed meals, connection with others, time outside, etc.), it’s often not realistic. I’m reminded of a phrase I was taught in college pertaining to that phase of life: sleep, social life, school - you can only choose two.

So while you may not be able to do it all, you can likely do some, and consistently. I phrase this as your daily non-negotiables - things that no matter what the day throws at you, you are able to make happen in that 24-hours. [hint: these are more likely to happen if done in the morning] For example, as a single non-parent at this time in life, my daily non-negotiables are able to be a bit more extensive: time outside with movement, mindful morning routine, eight hours of sleep. As my life will inevitably shift and change, this may whittle down to one non-negotiable item that feels pivotal to my everyday health. But it’s still mine to choose.

What are you willing to not negotiate on? What habit would feel like it would be a day-changer if you didn’t receive it? Keep it simple, consistent, and ideally life-giving. Choose something you look forward to completing. Chances are you don’t need another task to added to the list. You don’t have to go out for a two-hour exercise session - a 30-minute walk after dinner is a fantastic daily habit. And you don’t have to be perfect at every health habit, but can you choose one to do majority of the days?

Choose a simple, daily non-negotiable. You just may find that your capacity (and creativity for incorporation) expands to add another one down the road. Incorporating your spouse/partner/family is a must, too. Letting them know what your top daily health habit is can help with both coordination and support for your success.


MIND. Cycle of Change & Power of Momentum.


Ask Dr. Casey: Sluggish Digestion & Bloating?