SOUL. The Secret Life of Trees.

The Patagonia Films production titled Treeline: The Secret Life of Trees, still has an impact on me even five years after watching it. This 40-minute watch invites some new perspectives on these often overlooked lifeforms.

There’s likely some you pass by on your day-to-day commutes and errands without a second thought that has more years than you have. If there is one thing we can learn from trees, it is the meaning of endure.

Even if the film is not for you, the one simple challenge I have for this Spring season is to choose a tree that you will see everyday, and really see it. Notice it. Buds, birds, nests, squirrels, life, death. Anything and everything. The basic act of taking notice of something natural in our surroundings everyday and developing a relationship with it can be profound. I will often give this recommendation for those experiencing anxiety or depression for grounding, rooted and connecting nature of trees. Simple, even silly. But, also potent.

I think sometimes we forget that we are a part of this natural world, not separate from it. To try and reconnect, in whatever small way, is good for our health and good for soul.


BODY. An Exercise to Prep For Spring.


MIND. Let It R.A.I.N.