SOUL. Winter Solstice Celebrations.

Words, words. If you’ve read some things by me you know I can turn them over in my mind, wondering about why things are called as they are. And while I cannot find a direct link through online etymology searching, for me, soul and solstice are inextricably connected. Sol comes from the latin root of sun. All that is needed is u and a soul is born. You are all that’s missing. Carl Sagan said, “we are made of stardust.” Which means, inherently, we are filled with light.

The arrival of the Winter Solstice for me represents a chance to recognize this internal flame, burning brightest in contrast to the longest night of the year. But’s it is not only celebrating the return of longer days to come, it is also a chance to pause. Disconnect. Recognize my own light-filled soul and of those I love, too.

If this all sounds quite woo, I suppose it is. I never thought twice about the Winter Solstice. In fact, I tended to dread it for about 25 years of my life. This has been a recent shift in mentality of celebrating the darkest night of the year that I brought home to my family. It turns out … as woo as it seems, we all have grown to love it. Special traditions are now even upheld: lots of candles, low or no overhead light, a fire if possible, no technology (yes, phones off after sunset) and gathering around the fire or candlelit table with my family.

Will you make this winter solstice a soulstice? All that’s missing is you.


Ask Dr. Casey: Managing Anxiety.


BODY. Andrographis for Immune Health.