SOUL. Exercise: Should Statements

Exercise adapted from You Can Heal Your Life by Louise Hay.

On a piece of paper, write at the very top in capital letters I SHOULD. And underneath, list all of the things you believe you should do or should be doing.

After you are done, look at each statement and ask yourself WHY. Why should you?

Return to your original list and replace I should with, If I really wanted to, I COULD… As you look at each statement, ask yourself gently and non-judgementaly, “Why haven’t I?”

Notice if the answers have changed between the first question: what should I be doing (were you told you should do it? You should want that? Be that?) ? And the second question, why haven’t I done it?

Common answers that may come up include: I don’t want to. I am afraid. I don’t know how. Because I am not good enough …

Lastly, ask yourself: why have I been berating myself for not doing this for [days, months, years]. And what things have you been carrying around on your should list that don’t even come from you? Or they were on your list because you were trying to people please? Can you imagine what a relief it would be to drop it?

Stop should-ing yourself in the foot and make your load a bit lighter. And replace should with more empowering, intentional language like “I could” “I can” “I choose to", etc. See my full post written on Stop Should-ing Yourself.


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